
Geoff Taylor

Retired, Relaxed, Reverent, Respectful

My past and passions in a nutshell:

I am an iterative (i.e. I prefer the Taylor series of successively improving approximations) experimentalist techie with a background in Aeronautical Engineering. After 16 years as an engineer on the Allison 250 turbo shaft engine at Standard Aero in Winnipeg and Aviall in Dallas Texas, I was moved to LA to head up their repair parts engineering. A year later consultants suggested they start a research arm with me as the Director. Four years in LA, being introduced to the Urantia Book by a PhD physicist resulted in a paradigm shift (turned 40 and discovered my raison d'etre) I returned "home" to Winnipeg but not before I had traveled the world, been inside three Space Shuttles and won a couple of design awards (the ego was getting way too big). I landed back in Winnipeg at the same time as my brother and while we were both working (me as a researcher for Standard Aero and Vern as a physiotherapist) we started up an innovation company. We ended up making thin, flexible then stretchable pressure sensors. The company today (Vista Medical Ltd (Boditrak).) is slowly moving from micro niche market to commodity. I bought my brother out after his wife died of cancer and later sold the company. Losing my own wife to cancer put me on a quest for a cure and service to humanity. Crashing my airplane in 2003 left me mobility challenged but refocused me on the thing that matters most in life; relationships. The most important of those relationships was with my wife Nancy before she lost her battle with ovarian cancer in February of 2016 and my two lovely daughters. I love my girls and now have a new soul mate love, Susan Meyers. As snowbirds we winter on Paradise Island in Florida and summer in Kenora and at the cottage on Castlerock Island in Lake of the Woods. (Life is tough.)

My Facebook Page

My Favorite Greetings:

Cheers (Be of good cheer. Attitude is everything, the rest are details.)
Namaste' (The spirit in me, recognizes, respects, and relates to, the spirit in you.)

My Wonderful Loving Family:

I was happily married for 43 years.
My two wonderful daughters are happily married so I now have three wonderful grandsons, one wonderful granddaughter and two wonderful son in laws!
Wonderfully Taylor'd

My Favorite Quote:

"Why should a group of simple, stable compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen struggle for billions of years to organize themselves into a chemistry professor?
What's the motive?"
Robert Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

My extrapolation:
Why does senseless energy become sentient?
Why turn energy into intent or matter into motive?

My Favorite Book:

The Urantia Book

Scientifically plausible, theologically logical, internally consistent, spiritually enlightening, complex yet brilliantly simple, and it answered my raison d'etre, motive conundrum. I have been studying The Urantia Book since 1985 and I am now on the Board of Trustees of the Urantia University Institute.

Here is a paper I did in 2017 that looked at the Scientific Predictions of The Urantia Book.

My Philosophy:

"Curious Shibumi" - Curious to understand fundamental drivers, rather than consequential artifacts.
"Ubuntu" - I am because we are. I am an individuals but I relate through coherence with the whole.

My Favorite Web Site:

My Favorite Activity:

Innovating (Current Idea List = 210+)
Here are some of my ideas.


My Favorite Theory of Everything:

Garret Lisi "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything"
He theorizes an elegant eight-dimensional algebraic eigenvector representation of the relationships between fundamental particles on the standard 12x12 model. This is essentially a 3-dimensional standing wave energy pattern.
Lisi suggests gravitational and cosmological constants may run from large values at the high energies to the tiny values at low energies. If his E8 theory is correct: "our universe is an exceptionally beautiful shape." The elegant symmetry makes this model very appealing to me.

Garrett Lisi: A Beautiful New Theory of Everything part 1
Garrett Lisi: A Beautiful New Theory of Everything part 2

My Own "Theory of Everything" (My little ToE):

Matter, Mind and the Meaning of Life.

Energy makes up everything and energy inherently seeks its most organized state, which is analogous to improvement. Matter, as an emergent property of energy, has mass and is influenced by gravity. Matter interacts by rippling specific quantities of energy called quanta. Quanta are a function of the wave properties of the energies involved. Initially, energy organized itself into helium hydride, then into hydrogen, and so on as things cooled. Entropy was increasing as organization was increasing. Small atoms formed, and cooperative organizations of energy continued until they formed stars, where heavier elements such as iron were formed. Over billions of years, atoms formed elements which formed molecules, molecules formed compounds, compounds organized themselves into cells, cells became organisms, and organisms eventually became people. Up to this point, these energy associations were automatic - involuntary. Entropy increases locally, as energy finds stable states and improves its organizational status in an ease seeking process. We, as sentient beings, can recognize this tendency towards improvement as a hint that there is intelligence behind this process, i.e., there is a God. Not the anthropomorphic, war mongering, jealous, bookkeeper God of most theological doctrines, but a logical, energy supplying God, encouraging improvement. Involuntary evolution creates sentience and sentience becomes God conscious. Material energy, and its patterning in our minds, have this tendency in common; to "Be perfect even as I am perfect." The logical extrapolation of cooperative improvement is love. God is love.

The human brain is the first organization of energy that can observe the past and reflect on the consequences of its own thinking. It has consciousness of its own consciousness. Some neuronal activities interact at the quantum level both locally, and perhaps at a distance. The following are some collections of my current thinking on this concept of cosmic coherences.

Physical & Spiritual Quantum Coherences

Physical & Spiritual Quantum Coherences Correlated with The Urantia Book

Here is a link to a video of the Urantia Book International School, spotlight presentation.

Here are the associated files.

Nature and Nurture of the Soul from a Physiological Perspective

Exploring the Physiology of Cosmic Consciousness

The above presentations suggest ways that quantum mechanisms, such as the Heisenberg uncertainty, collapse of the wave function, action at a distance etc., may apply to our God consciousness or consciousness of the whole. The brain, as initiator and observer of its own activities, can influence its own material patterns. It has materially interactive, closed loop, time delayed, quantumly influenceable, bio-feedback mechanisms. Our minds have volitional free will and can choose ease seeking (like normal matter) or it can relate/cooperate/harmonize/improve/perfect/love and strengthen internal and external associations. Alternately, we can allow our energy to continue to its lower energy states and return our body to dust to try again in some other form.

Three theories of causation:

Upward: Scientific Causation (matter makes us what we are)
Downward: Spiritual Causation (God makes us what we are)
and mine
Up/Down: (Energy makes it possible. We make it perfect)
Patterns, harmony, and resonance strengthen energy associations in our minds and our relationships.
Relationships are strengthened when we cooperate, serve and support each other (family, tribe, nation, and planet).
Energy (which is neither created nor destroyed i.e., is eternal) organizes into patterns at all levels; subatomic, micro, macro, personal, familial, social, global, mindal and spiritual. Patterns are intangible and may continue after the matter has reached so called "heat death". Cooperation strengthens these patterns. Cooperation is better than confrontation. Cooperation is best demonstrated as a loving service to others. God is Love.
Every atom in your body is different today from when you were young and yet you are still you. You are truly unique.

"Now" (the intersection of experience and prediction) patterns your future.


My Philosophic Proof of God Concept

Beauty (Matter)- Truth (Mind) - Goodness (Spirit)


My Cancer "Book Ends" Crusades:

Fundamental Tenet:

95% of cancers can be detected using a PET scan because the doped sugar preferentially attaches to the cancer since cancers generate extra insulin receptors. Cells that are under chronic threat revert to a more primitive self-protection energy producing mechanism and switch from oxygenating (which involves intercellular communication) to anaerobically fermenting blood sugars to make energy (ATP). Fermentation has no need for intercellular cross talk. This was discovered by Dr. Warburg in 1926. It is interesting to note that muscles routinely anaerobically ferment glucose when they run out of oxygen and muscles cancers are extremely rare.

Assist number one:

Stop feeding the cancer by either going into ketosis or fasting which causes the production of ketones at a low blood glucose threshold (about 3.1 mm/dl). Normal cells can use ketones (B-hydroxybutyrate) for making ATP but cancers cannot.
Note: This might kill a type one diabetic since without any insulin they might go into keto acidosis, but it is safe and even healthy for the rest of us.

Assist number two:

In the fermentation process cancer makes lactic acid. (Runner's burn is due to lactic acid build up as muscles ferment glucose when they run out of oxygen.) There is a lactic acid mimic, 3 bromo pyruvate where one hydroxyl is replaced with bromine (also called 3BP or 3-BrPa or 3-bromopyruvic acid) which, when in contact with the cancer, enters the cells through the lactic acid transporter portals, interrupts the production of ATP and quickly kills the cancer. This was discovered by Dr. Young Ko when she was at John's Hopkins University.

The problem:

Ketosis, 3BP and their application techniques, are not protectable, so investment in expensive clinical trials is challenging.

The prophylactic:

Occasional intermittent, or three-day fasting, would starve any cancer cells that may have reverted to fermentation.

The solution:

Innovate a device to measure ketosis and fund the clinical trials. This device would also be helpful for other diseases like Alzheimer's, and epilepsy as well as being helpful for serious athletes and weight loss.

To learn the history of these cures, read this book:
Tripping Over the Truth by Travis Christopherson

To learn the science of cancer's metabolism, read this book:
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer by Thomas Seyfried

For a more practical take on cancer's metabolic "Achilles heel/heal", read this book:
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies by Dr. Nasha Winters

"Previous Contributions to Society":

I was the "ounce of inspiration" and a small part of the "pound of perspiration" behind the following technologies.

The Flying Borescope
Miniature flying camera, flown in turbine engines and the NASA Space Shuttles.
Design News, "Design of the Year" and Research and Design Top 100 Award in 1987
Devices to get pictures of pressures, temperatures, moistures, and other human interface influences, primarily for the reduction of pressure sores.

Silver Pac
Smooth aluminum coating on turbine parts improved the engine's performance, corrosion resistance and service life. (I was also young and shiny myself back then)

Patent Summary
(Three more granted and three more are in process)







Force Sensing Sheet




Flexible Piezocapacitive And Piezoresistive Force And Pressure Sensors




Force Detecting Mat With Multiple Sensor Types




Elastically Stretchable Fabric Force Sensor Arrays and Methods of Making




Adaptive Cushion Method and Apparatus for Minimizing Force Concentrations on a Human Body




Force Sensing Sheet




Pressure Sensing Mat




Elastically Stretchable Fabric Force Sensor Arrays And Methods Of Making




Anti-Slosh Devices For Damping Oscillation Of Liquids In Tanks




Patient Support Surface With Physiological Sensors




Normal Force Gradient/Shear Force Sensors And Method Of Measuring Internal Biological Tissue Stress




Blanching Response Pressure Sore Detector Apparatus And Method




Normal Force Gradient/Shear Force Sensors And Method Of Measuring Internal Biological Tissue Stress




Pressure Measurement Sensor With Piezoresistive Thread Lattice




Method And Apparatus For Photogrammetric Orientation Of Ultrasound Images




Piezoresistive Foot Pressure Measurement




Piezoresistive Foot Pressure Measurement Method And Apparatus




Method And Apparatus For Photogrammetric Assessment Of Biological Tissue




Security System Method And Article For Photocopiers And Telefax Machines




Water Inflatable Structural Module




Slotted Thrusters For Fluid Propelled Borescopes




Shape Memory Effect Alloy Pull Wire Articulator For Borescopes




Method And Apparatus For Spatially Orienting Movable Members Using Shape Memory Effect Alloy Actuator




Method and apparatus for fluid propelled borescopes



I have had two major life uplifting experiences in addition to marrying Nancy.
An accident with my Challenger II aircraft that mangled my ankles but left my mind intact.
(thanks to my guardian angel)
and finding the Urantia Book.
(thanks to a creative genius named Dr. Irwin Ginsburg)


I am thankful.

Thankful, that when the engine quit that I made it to the nearest road.
Thankful, that when I hit that 7200-volt power line, a welder, who was one of the first on the scene, kept the sparks and the gas apart.
Thankful for the first responders and Doctors (especially Dr. Henriette Groenewald who kept me alive long enough for Dr. Demetrius Balageorge to reassemble me) and thankful, that I wasn't flying the BD5 jet I had built earlier.


Here is a movie of the BD5J's first take off and fly by.
Cruise was 250 mph. Top speed was pitch-flutter limited at just under 300 mph.
The engine was an Allison 250 turbo shaft engine (C-18 base C-20 compressor) turned upside down (B-17 style oil system) modified to pure thrust (power turbine removed) with a trust reverser.


I hope you won't think this site's motive is egoistic or egotistic.
My goal is to keep the grey matter working for as long as possible while always choosing the moral high ground.
"Assiduitate, Magis Desidia" (Assiduity Above Apathy)
Spiritually directed mental gymnastics benefits us all.


Rather than trying to fix society, let's focus on our One Creator.
A sense of brotherhood will follow, and society will fix itself, one relationship at a time.


Geoff Taylor
